How Technology is Changing the Marketing Landscape

Whatever you do today, I guarantee you will come across some type of digital technology advertising some product, somewhere. Technology has evolved and progressed exponentially over the past ten years and there is no evidence of a slowdown, Marketing and advertising agencies in Melbourne and around the globe have to embrace the change or risk getting left behind.

From social media revolutions to driverless cars, technology is becoming more and more integral to our lives whether we like it or not. Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, terminology that seemed like something from another world ten years ago is now a part of our everyday lives and it is changing the marketing landscape too.

The smartphone era has changed everything. Marketers are focusing with more intensity on the best ways to deliver messages to people’s pockets. The mobile generation have everything they need on their smartphone, whether you are a gambling company targeting young males or a banking organisation who has a wider demographic, you need to achieve the same thing when it comes to your digital messaging, and you need to make it mobile.

The benefits of technology mean we can also communicate quicker at a greater distance. Virtual conferencing and apps means meetings can be held in different time zones but the deal still gets done. Marketers are benefitting as much as the consumer as technology helps save time meaning more time can be spent on the creative.

The cost of marketing is also reduced due to the fact that material or collateral that used to be printed at great cost can now be digitally displayed or presented. There is greater access to video and audio production which means more dynamic and creative pitches and presentations.

Customers can also get quicker response times from companies due to social media which means we now receive better and quicker customer service. We can thank technology for all these improvements. 

Technology is changing the marketing landscape and you need to act now to have this distinct advantage over your competitors. Concept Marketing Melbourne has been working with companies across Australia for years solving their digital marketing conundrums. 

Contact us today to see how we can help your brand stand out. Check us out on


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