What it is Like Working in Marketing

Marketing as a career is always portrayed as a cool and glamorous job and in many aspects of the profession, this can be true. However, there are many different functions within the marketing profession and they are extremely different. Whether you aim to work at a Melbourne marketing company or one of the top marketing companies abroad, the principles are the same. You may be a strategist or an analyst, a creative type or a numbers nerd and you will find a home within the marketing department. There are obvious plus sides to working in marketing, especially if you are working with clients who have significant budget to spend. The offices are flashy, the events will be big and the people will be interesting, some who think they are more interesting than others but you will soon spot these for yourself. There are stand-alone marketing agencies who are a hot bed of talent and this is where you will really learn your craft, but the same can be said for a marketing fu...